Thursday, July 28, 2016

Day 74 – Marshall, MI to Columbus, OH

We started preparing for real life as we made our way home.

The Route
The 238 mile route home included some country views as we snaked our way from I-69 in Michigan to US-33 in Ohio.

We began by taking I-69 south to Ft. Wayne, I-469 around Ft. Wayne, and US-30 to Lima. Then we followed OH-117 into the country and to US-33 at Huntsville. US-33 took us through Marysville to US-270S and we went around to Roberts Rd. and to our storage lot.

About the Day
This was a very different day. It started nicely with temperatures in the low 70’s and sunny skies. It became hazy, and then overcast as the day wore on. The temperature made it into the mid 80’s. Dark clouds rolled in late in the day and the heaviest downpour we’ve seen on the trip arrived.

Along the Way
This was not a picture-taking day.

We listened to the end of an audio book and talked about the past, present and future. What were the highlights of the trip? What do we need to do when we get home? Where will we go next? There was no definitive answer to question #3.

Arriving home …
We got to the storage lot at about 3:30pm.

Then, the reality of how much we had stuffed into our little home became apparent. It took multiple trips to return the stuff to its usual resting place.

We were greeted by a back yard that had become a rain forest. Yikes!

Rain arrived in the form of a torrential downpour as we got home with our second load (mostly hanging clothes). We went out to eat and waited for the storm to pass. There was no street parking when we got home from dinner and the back entrance was blocked by very tall, wet weeds. It was 8:30pm, so we just left everything in the car and parked in the garage.

We’ll continue adjusting to real life.


  1. 😞 Reality Set In. I Can Hear You Dad Saying To Carol,"Want To Crawlfish Back To Alaska?" 👍🤗
